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Real Brazilian Conversations #22: Jogos de Tabuleiro

Real Brazilian Conversations #22: Jogos de Tabuleiro

In this conversation Guilherme talks to his friend Anderson, who lives in Curitiba. Anderson is an expert in board games, so check the episode to know more about what Brazilians like to play and a much more.

Here is the games Anderson talked about:

  1. War
  2. 7 Wonders
  3. Lewis & Clark

If you want to get in touch with Anderson, here it is:



Facebook: facebook.com/andersonbutilheiro

Music stuffhttp://www.apenasmusica.com.br/author/anderson-butilheiro

Instagraminstagram.com/andersonbutilheiro e instagram.com/deathmatchbg

Anderson wrote a specific text about board games. You can read it right here: http://thenerdpub.com.br/games/invasao-dos-jogos-de-tabuleiro-no-brasil/


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